miércoles, 2 de abril de 2008

no present, just the past.

And then, of course, you've got your memories, you treasure them and take care of them, like you never ever knew you could. You hold on to them, 'cause that's all you really have. No present, just the past. And if you'd had to be sober through the day, you'd just give up. It doesn't get any easier, it just drags you down, down to the very bottom. It just WON'T be better tomorrow. 'Cause the days of joy are long gone now.
And even though you've got your friends, you've got love, Oh! The sweet and bitter taste of love and jelousy. You've got health (or lack off). You've got passion and so, so much sex. BUT, they all have to fight against your head. Cause you can't handle it, you can't take control of it. It doesn't matter how hard you try. You just can't. If only you could cool your temper. If only you would have a helping hand. A lift of heart. Just a reason to stay alive.
Chances, fate, money, sex, death, food, shopping, love, cocaine, friends, vacations, distress, music, pills & more pills, rain, pain, wrath, booze, solitude, fights, anger, space & time. So many things to lust for. To die for. But still, they don't mean a thing now days. Now that things have changed. The reality is, they make me feel so terribly empty. Is emptiness the right path to choose? Will I ever know?

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