jueves, 22 de mayo de 2008

free brochure

y bueh.. esta es la foto mas actualizada que tenemos.
el/la que quiera, compra, jaja...
te amo judia come ajo.
flor: como se escribe marsupial
ale: con s y con p

martes, 20 de mayo de 2008


'cause everyday with you is a today
never a will be, or has been.
and i mean that in a good way.

time trial, time in suspense,
waiting time, time that is time.
time that's no time at all.

an outcome, that has no ending.
a flight with no apparent destination
a manifest with no understanding...
senses becoming basic again.

but i guess you and you only know
what i need to save me from me, besides me. (ha!)
this is my opening estate.
and i guess this is all the evidence i need to make us valid.


"concentrate en lo bueno" he said.
pic by: himself.

domingo, 18 de mayo de 2008

not one

wish you were here,
i'm a wounded satellite
i need you now put me back together, make me right
i picture your face in the back of my eyes
a fire in the attic
a proof of the prize
anomaly, anomaly, anomaly
i'll crawl to your name,
i'll bend to the earth,
not one of the others will ever compare.
(playing: Incubus - Ana Molly)

miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2008

what day is this

stay or leave..
I want you not to go, but you did..
remember we used to dance
and everyone wanted to be
you and me
I want to be too
what day is this
besides the day you left me
what day is this
besides the day you went-
(playing: D. Matthews - stay or leave)

lunes, 12 de mayo de 2008

what we had was so beautiful

you said always and forever
now I believed you baby
you said always and forever
is such a long and lonely time

(playing: Dave Matthew - Some devil)

la concha de la lora puta.

martes, 6 de mayo de 2008

red ball

colaborante: majo arrojando la red ball. gracias

domingo, 4 de mayo de 2008

limpia vidrios (?)


no quiero que me digas nada
si es tan duro vivir como un duro
si corrés peligro con solo venir aquí
no me digas nada ladrón de mi cerebro
(playing: P.Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota - Ladron de mi Cerebro)